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Online services

Virtual reference service

Virtual reference service “Ask a bibliographer”

Welcome to the  Virtual reference service of  Beisembayev Library

Using our service, you can get an answer to your question.

Before starting to work with the help desk, we ask you to familiarize yourself with the Regulation on the Virtual reference  service.

Working hours

1. Requests are accepted daily, except Saturday and Sunday, public holidays and are processed in the order in which they are received.

2. Requests received after 16:30 are processed the next day.

3. Requests are accepted in Kazakh and Russian languages.

The library reserves the right to assign a fixed number of requests per day.

Ask a question to the bibliographer

Online services


1. General Provisions

1.1 Virtual reference service (hereinafter – VRS) of Beisembayev Library of Toraighyrov University (hereinafter – BL TOU) is an integral part of the unified system of reference and bibliographic services for library users.

1.2 VRS fulfills one-time requests from remote users related to searching for information in the Internet, in electronic catalogs and bibliographic databases, reflecting the collection of a scientific library, as well as in other sources of information available in BL TOU.

1.3 BCC operates in accordance with the Service Regulations.

2 Purpose and principles

2.1 The purpose of VRS is to provide users with access to receiving reference and information services regardless of their location.

2.2 Principles of VRS operation: general availability and free of charge for all users;  the obligation to fulfill the requests accepted for work and provide answers even in the absence of the required information;  efficiency of requests fulfillment;  confidentiality of information about users.

3 User categories

Students, Master’s degree students, doctoral students, faculty staff and employees of TOU, as well as employees of libraries of educational institutions of Pavlodar region are served.

4 Types and topics of accepted requests

4.1 Address and bibliographic, i.e.  inquiries about the availability of specific editions held in the BL collection.

4.2 Subject inquiries, the implementation of which does not entail a complex bibliographic search and can be performed on the basis of traditional and electronic bibliographic resources available in the BL TOU collection, as well as Internet resources.  In the case of the selection of information for complex scientific and educational works (dissertations, theses), VRS carries out the first stage of searching in databases, electronic catalogs and other resources using keywords that make up the research topic, and indicates possible guidelines for further independent search.

4.3 Clarification queries that establish and / or clarify missing or corrupted elements of the bibliographic description.

4.4 Factual queries containing information about a fact, event, phenomenon, person, organization, etc.

4.5 Requests on socio-economic, humanitarian, biological and technical topics are accepted, corresponding to the areas of educational and scientific, professional activities of BL TOU users.

4.6 The chronological framework of the request is established within the last five years.

4.6 From the staff of libraries of educational institutions, inquiries are accepted, suggesting answers in the form of consultation. 

5 Services provided

5.1 In response to a request, the user is provided with a bibliographic list (no more than 20 sources) with a link to the search source – a database, electronic catalog, etc., which provides the user with the opportunity to continue the search on his own, and also contributes to increasing his level of information competence.

5.2 In response to a request, the user receives a link (s) to a source of information in  the Internet for self-retrieval of information.

5.3 The ability to independently search for information in the database of completed requests, generated as requests are received, using a search engine.

5.4 When compiling the list, bibliographic descriptions are subject to minimal revision and are provided in a form identical to their entry in the original databases, therefore, they may not comply with library and bibliographic standards.

6 Timing for requests completion

6.1 Requests for the availability of specific publications in the BL TOU funds are processed within one VRS working day.

6.2 Subject inquiries, which do not entail a complex bibliographic search, are carried out within 1-3 working days of service.

6.3 Clarification and factual inquiries are made within 1-2 working days of the service.

6.4 The beginning of the execution period is counted from the hour of its receipt.

6.5 The user can find the answer to his request in the “Archive of completed requests” section, in which all responses to requests are presented in sequential numbering.  You can search by keywords.

7 Service resource base

When executing inquiries, the traditional information and retrieval apparatus of the library, the system of electronic catalogs and databases BL TOU and other libraries and information centers available via the Internet, and full-text Internet resources are used.

8 Mode and order of work of the service

8.1 Requests are accepted daily, except Saturday and Sunday, holidays and are processed in the order in which they are received.

8.2 Requests received after 16:30 will be processed the next day.

8.3 Requests are accepted in Kazakh and Russian languages.

The library reserves the right to assign a fixed number of requests per day.

9 Limitations

9.1 Requests related to the provision of entertainment information (solving crosswords, participating in contests, quizzes, etc.) are not fulfilled.

9.2 Scanned document texts are not provided.

9.3 Questions asked incorrectly are not considered.  Service employees have the right to remove them.

9.4 Requests related to the solution of mathematical, physical, chemical and other problems are not fulfilled.

9.5 Commercia questionsl  are not considered.

9.6 Requests related to searching the Internet for an electronic version of a specific book, article, dissertation, abstract, etc. are not performed.

9.7 Only one request per day is accepted from one visitor.  Within the framework of one request to the reference service, only one thematic, address, clarifying or factual request is considered.  If you have several questions in your appeal, we will answer only one of them, at our discretion.

9.8 We do not respond to questions asked by email.  VRS employees are not responsible for the possible illegality of the content of the Internet resources provided in response to requests.

10 Work recording

The VRS work is recorded in real time and is reflected in the monthly BL reports.

11 Liability

The work of VRS is carried out by specialists of BL TOU.

Online services

Electronic delivery of documents

 The Beisembayev Library offers

 electronic delivery of documents

Dear readers and colleagues!

 – reproduction (of articles and book fragments) from the library funds and collections in an amount that does not violate the legislation on the rights to the results of intellectual activity and the requirements for ensuring the safety of library funds.

Orders are accepted online.

We are glad to cooperate with you!

You can order the publications / pages of interest in the electronic reference and information resources of our library available to you.

This is an opportunity to order electronic copies of articles from periodicals and collections, fragments of books of no more than 15% of the edition from the Beisembayev Library fund.  Copying of publications to the full extent is not performed.

Orders are processed, as a rule, within 1-3 working days after receiving confirmation from you.

On Saturday, Sunday, as well as on cleanup  days, orders are not processed and dispatched.


Responsibility for unauthorized use of copies of documents received from the library, in accordance with applicable law, lies entirely with the user.  

To complete the order, follow the link to submit an application